Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Never give a dog a credit card.

Saturday afternoon, Gidget and I decided to visit the Paw Spa to get her some new bling. She had her heart set on a B B Simon collar with lots of sparkle, but alas, her mud blood gives her bad genes. She was too big for the small, and too small for the medium.

So, after much debating, she selected this fab pink diamond necklace.

When we returned home, I discovered that she had swiped my credit card and treated herself to a few splurges. She picked up this pink Kate Spayed purse. She loves her some pink!

She also managed to find some Manolo Barkniks in her size.

Then, she indulged her sweet tooth by picking up some organic yogurt and peanut butter cupcakes. Don't worry, though. She plans on rationing them so she can maintain her girlish figure.

Oh, and she couldn't leave her brother out, so she bought Riley some Puptron tequila and a Ruffio & Julieta cigar. I smell a partay!

"Mom, can I keep my purse? Pretty please with sugar on top? I promise I'll be extra good!"

She was exhausted after her free reign with my credit card. She looks so cute though. I think I'll let her keep her purchases!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A super cute giveaway!

Head on over to Magchunk's blog to enter for a chance to win one of these super cute ruffled necklaces!! They are so fun and unique!

I just picked up this fab one for myself at Orange Poppy's shop!

On another note, I've got a good Gidget post for later, but it will have to wait until I can get my pictures loaded!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Still Golden.

Bea Arthur

May 13, 1922 - April 25, 2009

Thanks for all the laughs!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Whatever happened to Roxy?

You know what I did? I mentioned that Roxy didn't work out with her new family here, and then I never gave any explanation! I don't think the family was ready for two dogs. Anywho, she came back to us, and she pranced back in the house like she had never been gone. She was so happy to see us! After another two weeks, we had just about decided that I was going to have to change the title of my blog to THREE Dogs, a Girl and a Husband's Grace!

But then, my parents finally sold their house after 10 months on the market! Yippee! See, my parents met Roxy the first time she was with us, and they had really liked her, but they weren't ready for a second dog while they were trying to sell their house. So when they sold it, they asked if they could take her, which worked out perfectly! My Dad travels a lot, and with my brother staying so busy, my Mom is home alone a lot. Roxy is her new protector!

She's been with them about a month now, and she has settled in nicely to her new home. And she definitely loves country livin'! I wanted to be able to show my readers who were interested in her story - which may only be Amanda, ha! - on how she was doing. I tried out my camera video, and I couldn't ever catch her scootin' her butt around in the new (which is why there is no water in it) tank, but it was pretty funny. She is definitely a water dog!

Keeping a watchful eye out for intruders!

Following her new "mom", my Momma

That other little furball? That's Belle! My family's had her for nine 1/2 years now. She was our first "real" family dog. She's a little older and a little slower, but she's still a diva!

Playing in the dirt with Dad on the tractor.

Enjoying the shade.

So, this is totally gross, but after having a hard time getting her to look at me, I went to check her out, and she was eating a rat that she found in the dirt hole. Blech!!!

I'm so glad to see her happy, and what I love the most about about this situation is that I get to see her whenever I want. I'll always feel like she is my step-child!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Water Garden Dress, you broke my heart.

I wanted this dress so badly.

When I tried to buy the Water Garden dress the first time, it was sold out in my size. I pined for it, and I hoped it would become available again. Well, this morning I was dreaming and checked Anthropologie out to torture myself with glimpses of all the items I couldn't buy. I went to my Wish List, and it was back in stock - in my size only!! I parked that puppy in my shopping bag quick, fast and in a hurry. But I got distracted, and I didn't follow through. I came back this afternoon to close the deal, and not only was the dress sold out again, but also it is now "no longer available." Wallowing. Devastation. Tears of sorrow. Water Garden Dress, you broke my heart.

Moral of the story: Never let a coveted item sit in a shopping bag longer than it takes you to enter the credit card info!

Four 4s

Okay, so Lindsey tagged me to...

1. Choose the 4th folder in which you store pictures in your computer.
2. Choose the 4th picture.
3. Explain that picture.
4. Tag 4 people.

Last April, five crazy WASPs (and one lucky WASP husband!) got to party it up in Playa del Carmen. After a long stressful day lounging by the pool, we decided to relax and decompress in the resort hot tub...which we quickly discovered was broken. It was only slightly warmer than the pool at that time of night, and we were pretty cold. Since our complaining fell on deaf staff ears, we ran up to our room to fill our balcony jacuzzi. Then we all crammed in it. I'm not really sure why - there may have been some beverages consumed that day...

Tag - you're it!

1. Amanda
2. Kate
3. Crystal
4. Krystyn (might make for an easy PSF!)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Terror-Alert Status

I am uber tired, extremely annoyed with the Barky Barkerton behind us and swamped with 1099 requests from morons who waited to do their Plus, I have to pay our quarterlies today. Yuck! Jordan's Current Threat Level: Yellow. Proceed with caution!

An oldie, but a goodie!
Every woman knows that there are those days when all a man has to do is open his mouth, and he takes his life in his hands! This is a handy guide that should be carried like a driver's license in the wallet of every husband, boyfriend, co-worker or significant other!

What's your terror-alert status today? ;)

Monday, April 13, 2009

That darn cat dog!

This little dog... so much more evil than her cute little face lets on. She mischievously turned a productive Saturday afternoon at Fort Smith into a scramble fest with the push of a button.

Taking a break from working, I went out to the truck to get my checkbook out of my purse to pay one of the contractors. Gidget hopped right in like she thought we were leaving. Once I wrote the check, I tried to get her to come back out, but she was not having it. She plays this game every so often when we come home from the groomer, and usually, after a few minutes left to herself she jumps right out. So, I just left her in there with the intention of coming back in a few minutes.

15 minutes later, I went out to the truck to let her out, pulled up on the handle and nothing...happened. That little snot had locked us out!! Tony's keys were right there on the console, and she was sitting in the driver's seat - smiling. (Yes, the dog actually smiles - I have photographic evidence.) I tried and tried to coax her back up onto the door in hopes that she would hit the unlock button. But Miss Priss didn't want any part of it. She climbed up onto the console and took a nap...on top of the keys, just to add insult to injury.

I'm sure this went through her evil little noggin: "Keys in the truck? Check. No water bottles in the house? Check. No food? Check. Ridiculously strong winds? Check. Lock truck? Check. Operation Lock Out has commenced. [Insert maniacal dog laughter here.]" Every now and then, we would beat on the door to try and get her attention. She would flick her ears, barely open one eye to check out the hoopla, and then ignore us.

Two hours and numerous creative attempts later, we finally found a way in. It took both of us prying the door open wide enough to shove a piece of copper pipe down and hit the unlock button. And then that little brat had the nerve to jump right out and prance around. She's lucky Tony let her live ride inside the truck on the way home.

There's a reason my mom calls her The Brain (Riley is Pinky, by the way).

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Death, Taxes and Laundry

So, we've always heard that nothing in life is certain except death and taxes, right? WRONG. I am officially amending that little adage. It shall now, and forever be known to all as: nothing in life is certain except death, taxes and laundry. Sneer.

As soon as I finish putting away the socks, Tony takes off his boots, and there is a pair of dirty socks on the floor. Kitchen towels all nice and clean in the cabinet? Oh, thanks for tracking mud all over the floor, Riley. No, I really appreciate it. The hamper is never empty. If I even get close to the bottom, it's bed time so the day's clothes just add to the madness. The laundry n e v e r ends.

Why, oh why, did Eve have to bite that damn apple?? She had it MADE with the laundry situation, and she had to go and ruin it all. Then again, I wouldn't want my nakedness on display all the time either. So I guess I can't fault her too much. Maybe she was just having a fat day and wanted something more than a leaf to cover herself. Sometimes, a girl just needs a pair of sweats!

Anyway, Gidget has been sleeping on the mountain of dirty clothes in my bedroom floor for the last few days. If she situates herself just right on the whites, you can't even see her. I've debated a picture, since she's so darn cute, but I'm just too embarrassed to show the pile! Another day, and I'm going to have to name that mountain. Maybe I'll name it after Miss G. After all, she discovered it and claimed it as her own!

Thankfully, tomorrow is Good Friday, so I've got a three day weekend! I will be getting an Easter pedicure, taking a short drive to hit a few little shops for some much needed shopping, and oh yeah, the laundry. Barf.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Krystyn @ Krizzy Designs hooked my blog up! I found that she had designed several blogs of which I am a fan, so I got her to come up with something new for me. It was great to work with her, and she's super fast - and the most reasonably priced designer that I found!! She also has her personal blog, Really, Are You Serious?, and her girls are precious! If you're looking for a blog makeover, check her out! Thanks so much Krystyn!!

What do you think of my new look??